


These pages are under development.

The glossary can be used to collect terms that require further explanation or linking to literature, but are too general or specific to deserve an own section on these pages.

asymptotic freedom#

The fact that the coupling constant of the strong force increases in strength for lower momentum.


A particle that consists of three quarks.

color confinement#

The fact that quarks only exist in colorless, bound states (quark groups of which the colors add up to ‘white’). See also asymptotic freedom.

coupling constant#


Define coupling constant

damping factor#
form factor#

Often defined with the symbol \(B_{\alpha_i}\).

formation experiment#

Experiments where particles \(A\) and \(B\) are collided, resulting in a reaction:

\[ A + B \to R \to C_1 + \dots + C_n, \]

Here, \(R\) is the resonance in which one is often interested in hadron spectroscopy.

See PDG2020, §Resonances [T13]. Related: production experiment.


Particles that consist of two quarks (meson) or three quarks (baryon).

hadron spectroscopy#


Define hadron spectroscopy


A baryon with at least one strange quark.


A real, symmetric and hermitian operator that is defined from the T-matrix through \(K^{-1} = T^{-1} + iI\). See [Chung et al., 1995, Badalyan et al., 1982] and PDG2020, §Resonances [T13].

lattice QCD#

A numerical tool with which to study particle interactions mediated by the strong force at low momentum transfer


A particle that consists of two quarks.


First described in [Aitchison, 1972]. See also [Chung et al., 1995] and PDG2020, §Resonances [T13].

production experiment#
spectator particle#

Experiments of the kind:

\[ \begin{align}\begin{aligned}A + B \to R + S \to [C_1 + \dots + C_n] + S\\Z \to R + S \to [C_1 + \dots + C_n] + S\end{aligned}\end{align} \]

Here, \(R\) is the resonance in which one is often interested in hadron spectroscopy, while \(S\) is a spectator particle. The first case is comparable to a formation experiment, while the second represents a decay process of particle \(Z\).

See PDG2020, §Resonances [T13].


See [Chung et al., 1995] and PDG2020, §Resonances [T13].

Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD)#

The theory that describes the strong force on the most fundamental level. See PDG2020, §QCD [T13].


Elementary particle that constitutes hadronic matter.

Quark Constituent Model (QCM)#

Model with which to describe and categorize matter constituted of quarks (i.e. hadrons). See [T13] (PDG2020, §Quark Model).


See [T13] (PDG2020, §Resonances).

scattering operator#

See [Martin and Spearman, 1970], Ch.4.

Standard Model#

Most fundamental description of matter and forces

strong force#

One of the four fundamental forces of the Standard Model

transition operator#

The scattering operator can split into a non-interacting component \(I\) (identity operator) and a matrix \(T\) that describes the actual interactions through \(S = I + iT\). See [Martin and Spearman, 1970], Ch.4, and [Chung et al., 1995].